الانتقال إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


Let’s Talk About Obesity

Let’s Talk About Obesity

The Hospital in Esbjerg, Denmark welcome the citizens to an event about the most recent research about overweight. We would like to clarify the huge complexity and the challenges about weight stigmatization. We have planned presentations with a professor, a medical doctor and an anthropologist, ph.d. The titles of the three presentations are: 1 - Overweight and weigtsloss - Why is it not just....? 2 - Should overweight be treated with medicine ? - the newest research 3 - Weightstigmatization: What is it and why should we do something about it? Furthermore we provide the citizens to get informations and questions answered from 9 stations staffed with experts in various medical fields in relation to overweight and the possible sequelae. The stations addresses to adults, children and teens and pregnant women with obesity. 1 - You can still be curvy and healthy 2 - The secrets of the blood 3 - Bariactric surgery is not the easy solution 4 - Hoax and facts about obesity 5 - Overweight and sleep apnea 6 - Lifestyle consultation for pregnant women with BMI higher than 35 7- Learn more about fatty liver 8 - How "sweet" can you be on a week? 9 - Diabetes - what are the symptoms?
